Thursday, June 4, 2009

Recycle This!!

The EPA is pretty comical, because the very purpose of the Global Warming movement is to damage the economy of Western nations.
When confronted by this very obvious fact, oh now they're act like they're shocked and that wasn't the intent after all.
The possible change of the climate is a scientific issue. The ramifications of that possible change are mostly the realm of speculation. But the proposed "remedy" is a political issue. And people are consciously conflating the three -- acting as if you oppose their "solutions," or question the validity of their speculation, then you are questioning the science.
Typical logical fallacy technique to win an argument.
If the Global Warming enthusiasts were actually serious about their fantasy of saving the world through human activity (or lack thereof), then the Kyoto Protocols and similar proposed treaties would have confronted, identified and penalized developing countries to at least the same degree as developed countries. But the fact that China, India, Indonesia and the rest were largely exempted from the same kind of restrictions as the US and Europe means that the goal was not actually to affect climate change but rather to shift economic power away from the established capitalist nations. But the developing nations are actually doing more polluting than we are, and their share will increase as our economic structure is strangled while theirs is encouraged.
And pointing out this fact in no way makes me a "denier."

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