Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy to be Home !!

Welcome to my new and improved website. In a constant effort to make my website better for all my fans, I've decided to make things just a little bit easier to find. We have streamlined everything as well as added new pages, like a links and downloads page, featuring an electronic press kit for fans and club managers. If you are a club mananger or owner, and you are looking for materials for your website and/or club, like headshots and videos for promo purposes, please click here and download the necessary items you need. Also, be sure to join me on Twitter for updates on my future shows.

Also, you can see me on the new season of Entourage, Season 6 on HBO. I have taped a couple episodes, as the First AD jimmy on Johnny Drama's show 5 Towns ( the show within the show ) I have been on it a few times before, but it is one of my favorite shows on television and always a thrill when they ask me to do it.

I just got back from Canada today, I was working in the Comic Strip in the West Edmonton Mall at one time it is the world's largest mall they have a gun range inside the mall that's a little ballsy we would never do that in The States give a crazed gunman a chance to warm up before he goes on a shooting spree. Anyway, I am happy to be back on the Left Coast as I have been traveling like a piece of lost luggage Honolulu to LA to Philly Drove to Rochester from there back to Philly back to LA and then off to Canada and finally back home and happy to be here

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