Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am confused

"Let your capital be simplicity and contentment." - Henry David Thoreau

How does everything just stop working! I trying to sort all this out How does everything just shut down and nothing in America is working or worth anything anymore? So needless to say I am confused..... it feels like I am playing a game and the rules keep changing and it is set up so no one can win. The Banks, The Credit Card Companies, The IRS seem impervious to it, but the average American is not, We pay for all these Fuck Ups, CEO Bonuses, They say they are the Best and Brightest running these companies, but How could they be ? They just ran your company into the ground and then they get to pull the rip cord on their Golden Parachute and the rest of us are left holding the bag for douchebags! Sorry this shit just pisses me off

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