Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Men build too many walls and not enough bridges." - Isaac Newton

Well, Football Season is over, I love The NFL. I love the game of Football, What a great Super Bowl! Beginning to end: the Star Spangle Banner Sung by Jennifer Hudson, and even Bruce Springsteen’s crotch slide into the camera man during the Halftime Show. It was no wardrobe malfunction but a little more of the Boss than I really needed to see. Giving everyone a shot of his full frontal flesh musket. The game itself was Epic! I just love Football! It’s the only sport I follow religiously. The regular season lasts 16 Sunday’s... It’s not 186 games in the regular season, who has got time for that, it’s just those sixteen Sundays! I can follow that! Know the players and stats and still be focused and have a life. By the way, congrats to all the Steelers fans! I wanted the all Pennsylvania Super Bowl, Eagles vs. Steelers. I will have to wait till next season because it is February now, the shortest month of the year. Coincidentally, it’s also Black History Month, Native American Heritage Month, And National Boost Your Self – Esteem Month and Valentines Day is just around the corner, The Hallmark Holiday. The government is trying to jam another stimulus package down our throats, and my new hilarious DVD: Alive and Kickin’ is finally finished and available for purchase off of my website, soon to be in stores and also digital downloads on itunes. Which is my new favorite place on the web… One word: Podcasts!!

Apple Audio & Video Podcasts have such an extensive information network at anyone’s disposal it would be impossible to list it all here. From a yoga Class to a whole series of audio exercise programs for running & stretching, Film School in a Box, Digital Photography, How to Boil an egg, You can learn Spanish, Japanese, and French and amazing library of DYI Projects & Emory University’s mini medical school series features faculty MDs offering insight on health issues like allergies, back pain, and heart disease and series of How To Video Podcasts to learn newest and latest Technology. When I was kid we have to go to the library and look this kind of stuff up in card catalogues navigating the Dewey Decimal System.

I am just trying to stay hip and figure out all this Social Media and keep up with all the Smores ( Social Media Whores). Twitter, Facebook, Bloggging, Vlogging, Microblogging Text messaging, & Myspace (and Myspace is so last week, even pedophiles moved on and are not using my space anymore. I am just saying it is a full time job trying to keep up with the kids and their strange math, weird haircuts and social media networks. Now I sound like an Old guy. “ Get off my information Highway, You damn Kids!” Besides, I don’t think people really want to know what I am doing 24/7 365. Don’t get me wrong, I have a great life, but if I am eating a bowl of Captain Crunch I don’t have to announce it to the media or put it in my Facebook Profile and I have be eating Captain Crunch for a long time, I knew him when he was a Lieutenant. The point is the world certainly has gotten smaller thanks to the Internet; it is only the single greatest invention of the 20th century. I will say this, the world is changing at such a rapid pace that if you do not pay attention to all this emerging technology, in 10 years not knowing your way around this digital democracy will be the equivalent of being virtually illiterate. You heard it here first, anyway, some cool links below, if you’re trying to navigate the new social media websites check it out and join the fray. Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!

Cool Websites


How to use Facebook

Tech Crunch


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