Saturday, January 24, 2009

Okay so the Eagles didn't win!!

But they looked like they were going to for a minute there, and at Least Coach Reid and Donavan McNabb will be returning next year and Thank God for that, because I think people just want change for the sake of change sometimes, and my feeling is that to get rid of those two would be disasterous for the philadelphia Eagles organization. Well, it was amazing the Philadelphia Eagles got that far into the playoffs considering. I am a Philly Fan either way, and used to having my heart broken, and Thank God for the Phillies!! But I am not one of those douchebag fans that call for the heads of Coach Reid and Mcnabb when they hit a rough patch during the season. That is just ridiculous! those rabid fans and the way they conducted themselves is really disheartening, I get sick and tired of defending the behavior of fans in that town! So, Go Steelers! My other Pennslyvannia Football Team. I am in Norther California this week performing at PepperbelliesComedy & Variety Arts theatre and gearing up for to the last football game of the season on Feb 1 st, On a lighter note, My Alive & Kickin DVD's are finished complete with a bonus CD and lots of cool special features and it will be shipping out this week for all those that pre ordered !! Thank you so much and I promise you won't be disappointed. I am really proud of this DVD it took me 18 months to finish it, because I wanted to create something special for my fans. Plus, we will be shoppingt it around to Showtime & Comedy Central and working on a North American distribution deal. So , you will be able to pick it up in stores as well as Digital Downloads off of itunes. The real work on this project is just getting under way Thanks again for your continued support

Jimmy Shubert

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Go Eagles!!


Is there anything better than that!! Two big games tomorrow Eagles @ the Giants and San Diego @ Pittsburgh. Anyone who knows anything about me knows I am a die hard Eagles Fan and I root for all things Pennslyvannia. I grew up in the City of Brotherly Love and cheering for my home teams (Sixers, Flyer,Eagles & Phillies) makes me feel connected to my beloved city, So Today I will be Screaming at my television set and eating good food and rooting for all thing Pennslyvannia Eagles & The Steelers. I am making my ribs for the game, and just for you I have included my recipe for my Peach Baby Back Ribs these will make you a "Tailgate Legend" if you make them right it will take about three tries Good Luck And Go E-A -G-L-E-S!!

Peach baby back ribs

the sweetness of the peaches offsets the tang of the rib meat and the rub it is all about balance
End Zone rub ( the Magic powder ) LOL! 1/2 cup of Salt 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar 2 tbsp of good quality chili powder .....I use San Antonio Red ( $10.00 per pound ; ) they use high quality chilies in their powders that means less grainy texture,a sharp color, and a bold sweet flavor 1 tbsp ground coffee .....which adds a malty flavor to the meat when cooked a secrect kept close the the vest in BBQ competition circles ....Not joking! 1 tbsp Lemon Pepper

Ingredients1/2 cup end zone rub, 1/4 cup of turbinado sugar (mix together this is what you will rub on the meat after boiling the ribs)

3 full slabs of ribs, about 2 lbs each, membrane removed

1 1/2 cups of peach preserves 6 tbsp pack brown sugar 1/4 cup of apple juice

A large pot filled with water and salted, bring water to a boil and then place the ribs in for 1/2 hour after water is already boiling this will ensure that the meat falls of the bone when they are ready to eat
remove rib from water and let cool
mix the rib rub and the turbinado sugar together and sprinkle the ribs 2/3 on the meaty side remaining 1/3 on the boney side
prepare the oven for cooking indirect low heat 300 degrees
cook the ribs till they are nicely caramelized about 2 hours...... remember low and slow that is the way to cook these ribs
then remove and lay each slab on a double layer of heavy duty aluminum foil, spread the peach preserves over each slab, and then spinkle each with 2 tbsp of brown sugar as you fold the aluminum foil up into a packet, pour the apple juice under the ribs, seal the packets snugly , being careful not to puncture the packet with the rib bones and then return to the oven for 45 minutes
( at this point you could let the ribs cool down to finish later - great way to prep ribs in advance for a tailgate for a Eagles' s game )
otherwise after you cook them for the addition 45 minutes remove ribs from the foil and place on a grill or over medium heat in an oven and cook and flip for a few minutes until caramelized. cut each slab between ribs and serve.